Anxiety management

Washington, DC

Peace of mind is possible.

Anxiety is a mental health condition in which you experience excessive nervousness, worry, or fear to the point that it interferes with your everyday life. It’s normal to experience anxiety from time to time, but if your feelings are ongoing and affecting your quality of life, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. With an emphasis on lifestyle, Dr. Beaton’s goal is to treat the root cause of your feelings, so you can get a full resolution of your condition. 

Dr. Beaton conducts comprehensive evaluations to identify the root cause of your anxiety so you can get the most effective treatment. In addition to asking in-depth questions about your symptoms, medical history, diet, and lifestyle, Dr. Beaton also conducts a physical exam and may run various tests to rule out the physical causes of your anxiety.

Your treatment plan is individualized to meet your specific needs. This could include:

  • Anti-anxiety medication

  • General counseling

  • Diet modification

  • Exercise program

  • Specialist referral

Anxiety doesn’t need to control your life.

Dr. Beaton is here to help you develop a holistic treatment plan for you to live the life you deserve.